Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro Part one... Anticipating the mountain.
So what
does it take to plan a trip to the roof of Africa? Several things. What
route? When to go? What outfitter/tour company? What are the weather
considerations? What are the altitude considerations? Buy or rent gear? What
time of year to go? How much will it cost?
When we
decided Africa was definitely on the destination list for our Round-The-World
trip, an attempt at climbing Mt Kilimanjaro almost instantly became a
must. Looking back at old emails it appears as though I started writing
outfitters as far back as July asking questions about the climb. The
email to multiple outfitters went something like this: “
A friend and I are planning a trip to Tanzania in the spring and we are hoping to trek Mt. Kilimanjaro. We have been looking at different tour options and researching success rates. I see on your website you offer several options for trekking (and summiting!) Kilimanjaro. What would you recommend for for two enthusiastic, healthy and fit women, 28 and 30years old? Though we reside at about 200M, we have successfully hiked and camped in Peru above 4000M for several days after appropriately acclimating to the altitude. We would truly like to climb Mt Kilimanjaro but want to be sure to do so in safe and most enjoyable fashion! Any information, suggestions or recommendations you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.”
several backs and forths with two or three different companies, the one I got
the best vibe from was Ultimate Kilimanjaro. Upon choosing Ultimate
Kilimanjaro, we had to pick a route and settle on a departure date. One
of the nice things about this company is the fact that they offered daily
departures on any route at any time of the year. We knew we would be
there in early May, right smack in the middle of the low tourist season, so as
much as joining a few others on the trek would have been nice, the flexibility
of the being able to leave on the exact day that best fit our schedule was very
nice as well.
So what
route do we take?
There are six routes to Uhuru peak, the very top of Mt. Kilimanjaro. How
do you pick one? Well, Ultimate Kilimanjaro also happened to have a “What Route
is Best For Me?” link on their web page. I had to read the descriptions only
once before knowing Rongai Route would be best for Michelle and me.
Rongai is considered “the road less traveled” when it comes to Killimanjao,
only 15% of climbers choose this route. It’s difficulty rating is moderate
among the other routes. There’s a good
chance of spotting wildlife. The climb
takes you up one side of the mountain and down the other -- double the scenery.
And if those reasons weren’t plenty to have my heart set on the Rongai Route,
we would also be less likely to see loads of rain (possibly 24 hours
per day) as compared to other routes.

should we leave? That
decision actually became rather easy to make when we looked at the calendar and
our other plans for Tanzania. Our week-long safari was to begin on a Sunday,
our week-long volunteer commitment was also to begin on Sunday, so when better
to begin a week long Kili trek? We opted for Sunday. We easily chose Kili as
our first “thing” in Tanzania, thus settling on a departure date of April 29,
2012. A few emails later and we were set. Rongai Route, April 29 with
Ultimate Kilimanjaro.
How long
does it take? The fastest
any Mt. Kilimanjaro route can be completed, up and down, is five days. Some
routes require at least six days. However, it is strongly recommended
that climbers add what is known as an “acclimatization” day, in which you hang
out somewhere between 3500 meters and 4500 meters in an effort to allow your
body to adjust to the quickly increasing altitude and, in so doing, increasing
the chances of successfully reaching the summit. I’ll tell a little
but more about how altitude change plays into the climb shortly.
To buy
or rent gear? One can actually
rent everything you could possibly need to climb the mountain in Moshi, the
city in Tanzania where all climbs begin. However, I do not recommend
renting everything. Anything you think you’ll use again, is worth bringing
along as you know how well it fits, how waterproof it is and how easy or
difficult it is to pack. Michelle and I wound up renting only hiking poles,
sleeping bags, gaiters and ponchos as none of these items were necessary to
carry all around the world but were very useful, if not essential, on the
mountain. I might add that what we got were of good quality for being rented
considerations: We knew we
had booked our trek during the low/rainy season. The upside to attempting the climb during the
rainy season is it’s a bit warmer, but climbers should expect to get poured
upon occasionally if not constantly. Michelle and I were fortunate. Some would say we got lucky. The “dry side of the mountain” was good to
us, and we really didn’t get rained on very much at all for it being rainy
season. Some travelers (from Germany) we met at the hotel said they’d had
little more than thirty minutes a day without rain.
on the mountain vary depending on elevation and time of day. Near the
base of the mountain, in the forest, temps can be between 15-25 C (about 60-75F.) during the
day. As you move up the mountain temps
can be as cold as -15 to -20 C (about 5 to -5F) at night. Both Michelle and I were in
shorts and tank tops on the first and last days. In the middle, however, we were hiking in
pants, and rain pants, long shirts with jackets, hats and mittens. At
night I typically wore two pairs of socks, three long pants (including
insulating running tights) six shirts, a neck warmer, hat and mittens. All that
around me and inside my -20 C. rated sleeping bag. I was still chilly. Bottom line, it’s colder up
there than you think!
considerations: The
concept of altitude, and what it does to your body, is a difficult one to
grasp. It’s not something you can train for, and it is said anyone can
be affected at elevations above 3000 meters. We have all heard the term
“thin air.” What exactly does that mean? The easiest way I can explain it is
this: As altitude above sea level increases, atmospheric pressure decreases, thus
creating thinner air. Still confused? Try this illustration: Fill a jar with
air at sea level, and there are, let’s say, 1000 oxygen molecules in
it. Take the same jar up to 5500 meters and fill it with air a second time. Oooops!
Only 500 molecules of oxygen now – same volume of air but only half the
oxygen. Why? Because the atmospheric pressure is half of what it is at sea
level, permitting twice the space between all the oxygen molecules. This
is the same reason shampoo bottles can explode in an airplane… less air
pressure, the molecules want to spread out increasing the volume of the shampoo,
and the bottle bursts.
Why does
any of this matter? Unfortunately, your body still requires the same amount of
oxygen it did at sea level to function properly. Actually, it requires even
more oxygen because now you’re hiking up a mountain over uneven terrain, and
your muscles need a lot more oxygen than when you are sitting on the beach
drinking beer! What’s there to do about this little altitude and oxygen
problem while climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro? This is where the acclimatization day
comes in. The only way your body can adjust to the lack of oxygen in the
air is with time. When you don’t give your body the oxygen it wants and needs,
it starts on its own to do things to keep itself alive. These things include
breathing faster and deeper – to get more oxygen in your body, increasing heart
rate – to send the oxygen to vital organs and getting rid of fluid (peeing a
lot) to make room for more red blood cells – to carry the oxygen to where it
needs to go. Altitude sickness is not something to be taken lightly. It can
come on quickly and can be deadly if not taken seriously. The good news
is that if one is suffering from altitude sickness the cure is very easy. Turn
around and descend.
Are you
still curious about altitude? Click here and go nuts.
How much
does it cost? I’ve read in
many places there is no way to climb Kili cheaply and safely. You can do one or
the other, but you can’t do both at the same time. That being said, any book you read on the
subject states that you can’t do a safe trek with the minimum supplies, guides,
porters necessary for under $1200 USD, even booking directly without any middle
men. In an effort to remain politically correct, I’m not going to tell you what
we paid for our trek, but if you go to the Ultimate Kilimanjaro website you can
probably figure it out.
Okay, so
I’ve probably gone on way longer than some of you care to read. Stay with me. There is better stuff to come.
I promise.
in Tanzania.
We got to
Tanzania on Friday afternoon, April 27. After a bit of confusion at
the airport with yellow cards and taxi drivers we finally found ourselves in
Moshi. That was good. Not so good was that it was nearly 24 hours after we had
departed Delhi. It didn’t take five minutes before I was reminded of how
much I love Africa. It’s hard to put into words that would make sense to
many people, but I absolutely love it here.
After we
arrived at Springlands Hotel (the place the climbing company sends everyone
before and after their trek) we learned we would not be meeting our guide until
the next day. At that, we quickly pulled
ourselves together so we could go into town and take care of some last minute
things before leaving for the mountain. Laundry was a must, an ATM was
necessary, and we had a few rental items in mind for the trek. A nice meal would be good too!
Hotel was a ways out of town, so we took their shuttle to get ourselves back
into the heart of the city. It didn’t take but about ten seconds in the
street before we found someone who knew of a spot where we could drop off our
The guy in
the laundry shop was Ambrose. Ambrose is working on starting up his own
business in Moshi for trekking, safari and local cultural tours. In the laundry
shop his wall was covered with photos of people at the top of Mt Kilimanjaro. Ohhh,
my blood is boiling with excitement! When we asked Ambrose about where we
could find a shop for some rental gear he called his friend Soloman who showed
us his giant inventory of high quality rental gear. We each got a pair of
gaiters for the mud and some higher quality ponchos for the rain.
Now for some
dinner. Both Ambrose and Soloman recommend a spot called IndoInaliano. It
was nearby, and had a decent menu, so we went there and managed to find a few
delicious Indian dishes, a development that certainly made leaving India
easy! On our way out we met a guy sitting alone who had just come down
from the mountain that day. So of course
we engaged him in some brief conversation.
Ohhh, let the excitement continue. I wish I could remember his
name, and I wish I had had the energy to sit and have a celebratory beer with
him, but we had been awake nearly 36hrs at this point. What I do recall of the
encounter was how happy this guy was and how proud he was of himself. He
described his entire summit to us with a giant smile on his face. My anticipatory excitement continued to rise.
Okay, now
fast forward to Saturday evening, the part where we meet our guide. Up to
this point there was an unequal mix of nerves and excitement, with nerves being
the winning emotion. I know I’m tough when I need to be tough. And I know I’m capable of taking on
challenges, one of those people often welcoming them with open arms. Still, I hadn’t yet allowed myself to say
“I’m going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro on my RTW trip.” It had always been, “I’m
going to attempt to climb Mt Kilimanjaro.” Then we met Johnnie. If
only everyone who climbs this mountain could be as lucky as Michelle and I to
have Johnnie lead them on what would become one of my life’s greatest
accomplishments, lead them to the top of Africa’s Mt. Kilimanjaro.
For quite
some time that evening, Johnnie sat and talked with us about the mountain, his
experiences and what to expect. By the time we were finished talking, I could
confidently declare: “I’m going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.”
From the moment
Johnnie sat down, it was clear we were going to get along. Johnnie has a wonderful
and wonderfully genuine smile that will put anyone in a good mood. And with
that smile on his face, he told us all about the route we were going to trek,
what the food would be like, how hard it was going to rain, how cold it was
going to get, what the campsites would be like, if we would see animals, and if
we would see people. He told us about our porters, and he told us a lot about
his experiences on the mountain. Johnnie has been climbing Killi for 11 years,
he’s taken 251 trips up the mountain with clients, Michelle and I make 252. Of
those trips, he has an 87% success rate reaching the summit at Uhuru Peak.
Oh my
goodness!!!!! I’m really going to do it.
I’m really going to climb Kili!!!
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