Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Brazil Visa Update

After multiple attempts to get myself down town and apply for my visa, I finally did it today!  Although it was not with a few bruises along the way.  I started my morning by going to the post office to get my "USPS money order" At the consulate they do not accept any other form of payment.  So I got to post office at 830am, tried to get my money order and found the post office to only accept cash or debit.  I had neither in my wallet.  MAN!!!  I went across the street to dominicks, hit up a money machine and within 15 minutes I was in business.  I was right on time to be be at the consulate at 9am when they opened for visa applicants.  Just as I was walking to get on the train I came to the brilliant realization that I did not have my passport I my possession.  Good Greif, now I have to go home and again before I go down town.  Boy am I happy I went to the post office in Lincoln park, and not down town! So headed back in the direction of home.  On the way I missed the Belmont bus, so I walked most of the way.

By 9am I was back on the 145 and on my way downtown to apply for my visa.  I got to the building, 401 N Michigan Ave at about 9:20. I was happy to have my Lonely Planet Chile book in hand as I was expecting to wait for a very long time.  But there was no such waiting involved.  I walked into suite 1850, and walked up to the window marked "Visa Applications" and before I knew it I was being helped.  I wasn't quite prepared to be helped so quickly.  I still needed to sign my application form and I needed to fill in the appropriate recipient of my money order.

I sat down and I showed the woman my unsigned application, and signed it right before her.  Then I showed her my money order and said, "I didn't fill this out yet, I didn't want to do it wrong."  She replied, with a smile, "that's okay, I have a stamp." and she took it and stamped it, and handed me the receipt portion of the slip.  I then handed her my picture, and a copy of my airline reservations - BIG thanks to Michelle's failed attempt at the same office yesterday or I would not have known to bring a hard copy of those reservations to the consulate!  Finally, I gave her my passport.  She in turn gave me a pick up receipt and reminded me I must come between 12-1pm.  I said okay, thank you, have a nice day.

The entire exchange took about three  minutes.  I hope picking it up as just as easy!